This is the story of Jesus my interpretation of what he went through. He volunteered to come to earth 🌎 and he brought the truth with him. He came to save the lost and bring salvation to the world. He came to show us the way to his kingdom. He was mistreated by most. Because they couldn't understand his purpose on earth. He suffered alot to save us all, they put a thorny crown on his head, whip him 40 times. He had to carry his own cross ✝️ ,nailed his feet and hands, hang him on a cross and spear his body, left to die like a criminal. Despite all this he forgave those people that crucified him. He appeared to his disciples and other people, he stay on earth for 40 days before returning to his glory in heaven and back to his father,he gave up his life so we can be saved. If you haven't given you life to Jesus now would be a great time to do it, time is running out, don't miss this opportunity to give your life to Jesus. God bless you all and your family forever. Amen to that
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This is beautiful 👌