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Today I will be writing a love story,our story begins with a man and a woman who met and hit it of. Things were going great until one day her mom felt she could do better,as time went by she felled for another man, it took a while before the other man realized what was going on. He noticed she showed more interest in the other man than the other. One day her mom told the other man that he should move on, this didn't go well for the other man, because he knew that her mom was a friend with his mom when they were younger, so the other man felt that this would work in his advantage but it didn't which confused the other man. Eventually the other man moved on,later he found out that the other man married her, but to everyone surprised he turned out to be a womanizer, this broke the other man heart, and he cried like he never cried before. Never heard from her again and doesn't know if she still alive. Even now if he meet her again he would still accept her no matter what others people would think. The story read is true the names weren't mentioned because no one is innocent, hope you enjoyed this story and I write you another one next week stay tuned for my world same time same channel
Keep writing Emilio!... tell the stories of your life and Soul and set them free. Maybe what the man that went away experienced was a "Twin Flame" connection with the lady that he "lost". Check out my Substack and look into Twin Flame Journeys.
Emilio, I enjoyed this story. This can also be said of those who walk away from Jesus to follow false gods or cults. He will always be there to truly love us for who we really are, but sometimes gets His heart broken when we make bad choices.
He leaves the 99 to go after the one, Matt 18:10-14.