Emilio... good for you and your first story! When I first started putting my writing into the world I was fortunate to get connected to a local writers group that meets twice a month. We critique others work, provide feed back and support for each other. Many in our group are published writers and teachers of writing. We have classes and specialty writing groups, I'm in the poetry group. Connecting with this group has been amazing, fun and very helpful as I navigate how and where my writing surfaces and goes out into the worlds. I'm now working on two books, I love doing open mic's, reading and story telling, things I never thought I would ever do... Emilio, write every day, find other writers and writing groups to hang out with, write what's inside of you and use your genuine voice to launch it into the world!
We all need to learn to be good Samaritans! This reminds me that anyone in need could be Jesus (not just a prince) testing us. The princess failed the test by judging based on looks and lacking basic humanity. Good lesson Emilio.
yeah don't judge a book by it's cover I guess. But not sure Rich people would care they don't now. they usually treat commoners like trash anyhow. so??? But yeah...
Such an important story to apply in real time in how we are to treat others with our time genuine interest respect kindness, compassion and Jesus' love no matter who they are, or from what walks of life and beautifully told thank you Emilio! Forget not the love of strangers: for thereby some have entertained angels unawares. Hebrews 13:2
Nice break from TI stuff though. Kind of reminds me of cracked Fairy tales like on Rocky and Bullwinkle show....
Okay thanks
I hope Emilio Rios catches the allusion! Yes, there is a certain similarity, although R & B generally ended more cheerfully!
Okay but not all stories have happy ending
Indeed! In fact, many of the Grimms' tales ended most unhappily in original format.
My story have a lesson in them
I thought so as well.
Okay I'm working on my next story
Emilio... good for you and your first story! When I first started putting my writing into the world I was fortunate to get connected to a local writers group that meets twice a month. We critique others work, provide feed back and support for each other. Many in our group are published writers and teachers of writing. We have classes and specialty writing groups, I'm in the poetry group. Connecting with this group has been amazing, fun and very helpful as I navigate how and where my writing surfaces and goes out into the worlds. I'm now working on two books, I love doing open mic's, reading and story telling, things I never thought I would ever do... Emilio, write every day, find other writers and writing groups to hang out with, write what's inside of you and use your genuine voice to launch it into the world!
Okay I'm still learning about this
I like the premise but I think you can expand on it a little more.
Okay it's my first story I'm still learning
I love that the prince used that test to judge her worthiness to become queen. I hope she learned something from him!
It's a lesson for all of us
We all need to learn to be good Samaritans! This reminds me that anyone in need could be Jesus (not just a prince) testing us. The princess failed the test by judging based on looks and lacking basic humanity. Good lesson Emilio.
thanks that's my point we sometimes judge to quickly when we meet someone get to know the people first then you see the beauty inside
yeah don't judge a book by it's cover I guess. But not sure Rich people would care they don't now. they usually treat commoners like trash anyhow. so??? But yeah...
Okay thanks
Such an important story to apply in real time in how we are to treat others with our time genuine interest respect kindness, compassion and Jesus' love no matter who they are, or from what walks of life and beautifully told thank you Emilio! Forget not the love of strangers: for thereby some have entertained angels unawares. Hebrews 13:2
Amen to that I agree
Short and didactic. Love it
Thanks I'll be posting another tomorrow